An example using PyJAGS
Here we show a standalone example of using PyJAGS to
estimate the parameters of a straight line model in data with Gaussian noise. The
data and model used in this example are defined in
, which can be downloaded
from here. The
script shown below can be downloaded from here.
Example code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example of running PyJAGS to fit the parameters of a straight line.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use("Agg") # force Matplotlib backend to Agg
# import PyJAGS
import pyjags
# import model and data
from createdata import *
# Create model code
line_code_jags = '''
model {{
for (i in 1:N) {{
y[i] ~ dnorm(c + m * x[i], {invvar}) # Gaussian likelihood
m ~ dnorm({mmu}, {minvvar}) # Gaussian prior on m
c ~ dunif({clower}, {cupper}) # Uniform prior on c
datadict = {'x': x, # abscissa points (converted from numpy array to a list)
'N': M, # number of data points
'y': data} # the observed data
Nsamples = 1000 # set the number of iterations of the sampler
chains = 4 # set the number of chains to run with
# dictionary for inputs into line_code
linedict = {}
linedict['mmu'] = 0.0 # mean of Gaussian prior distribution for m
linedict['minvvar'] = 1/10**2 # inverse variance of Gaussian prior distribution for m
linedict['clower'] = -10 # lower bound on uniform prior distribution for c
linedict['cupper'] = 10 # upper bound on uniform prior distribution for c
linedict['invvar'] = 1/sigma**2 # inverse variance of the data
# compile model
model = pyjags.Model(line_code_jags.format(**linedict), data=datadict, chains=chains)
samples = model.sample(Nsamples, vars=['m', 'c']) # perform sampling
mchainjags = samples['m'].flatten()
cchainjags = samples['c'].flatten()
# extract the samples
postsamples = np.vstack((mchainjags, cchainjags)).T
# plot posterior samples (if is installed)
import corner # import
except ImportError:
print('Number of posterior samples is {}'.format(postsamples.shape[0]))
fig = corner.corner(postsamples, labels=[r"$m$", r"$c$"], truths=[m, c])
Running the code
A description of installing PyJAGS is given here. If you have downloaded the
scripts into the directory ${HOME}
, then you can run it using:
If you have Matplotlib installed then the script will produce a plot of the posterior distributions on the straight line parameters $m$ and $c$.
A Python 3 Docker image with PyJAGS installed is available, which can be used with:
docker run -it -v ${HOME}:/work mattpitkin/samplers:python3
to enter an interactive container, and then within the container the test script can be run with: