An example using PyMultiNest

Here we show a standalone example of using PyMultiNest to estimate the parameters of a straight line model in data with Gaussian noise. The data and model used in this example are defined in, which can be downloaded from here. The script shown below can be downloaded from here.

Example code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Example of running PyMultiNest to fit the parameters of a straight line.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import sys
from scipy.special import ndtri
import numpy as np

    import matplotlib as mpl
except ImportError:

# import PyMultiNest Solver class
from pymultinest.solve import Solver

# import model and data
from createdata import *

LN2PI = np.log(2.*np.pi)
LNSIGMA = np.log(sigma)

# create Solver class
class StraightLineModelPyMultiNest(Solver):
    A simple straight line model, with a Gaussian likelihood.

        data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an array containing the observed data
        abscissa (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an array containing the points at which the data were taken
        modelfunc (function): a function defining the model
        sigma (float): the standard deviation of the noise in the data
        **kwargs: keyword arguments for the run method

    # define the prior parameters
    cmin = -10.  # lower range on c (the same as the uniform c prior lower bound)
    cmax = 10.   # upper range on c (the same as the uniform c prior upper bound)

    mmu = 0.     # mean of the Gaussian prior on m
    msigma = 10. # standard deviation of the Gaussian prior on m

    def __init__(self, data, abscissa, modelfunc, sigma, **kwargs):
        # set the data
        self._data = data         # oberserved data
        self._abscissa = abscissa # points at which the observed data are taken
        self._sigma = sigma       # standard deviation(s) of the data
        self._logsigma = np.log(sigma) # log sigma here to save computations in the likelihood
        self._ndata = len(data)   # number of data points
        self._model = modelfunc   # model function

        Solver.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def Prior(self, cube):
        The prior transform going from the unit hypercube to the true parameters. This function
        has to be called "Prior".

            cube (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an array of values drawn from the unit hypercube

            :class:`numpy.ndarray`: an array of the transformed parameters

        # extract values
        mprime = cube[0]
        cprime = cube[1]

        m = self.mmu + self.msigma*ndtri(mprime)      # convert back to m
        c = cprime*(self.cmax-self.cmin) + self.cmin  # convert back to c

        return np.array([m, c])

    def LogLikelihood(self, cube):
        The log likelihood function. This function has to be called "LogLikelihood".

            cube (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an array of parameter values.

            float: the log likelihood value.

        # extract parameters
        m = cube[0]
        c = cube[1]

        # calculate the model
        model = self._model(x, m, c)

        # normalisation
        norm = -0.5*self._ndata*LN2PI - self._ndata*self._logsigma

        # chi-squared
        chisq = np.sum(((self._data - model)/(self._sigma))**2)

        return norm - 0.5*chisq

nlive = 1024 # number of live points
ndim = 2     # number of parameters
tol = 0.5    # stopping criterion

# run the algorithm
solution = StraightLineModelPyMultiNest(data, x, straight_line, sigma, n_dims=ndim,
                                        n_live_points=nlive, evidence_tolerance=tol);

logZpymnest = solution.logZ        # value of log Z
logZerrpymnest = solution.logZerr  # estimate of the statistcal uncertainty on logZ

print('Marginalised evidence is ± {}'.format(logZpymnest, logZerrpymnest))

mchain_pymnest = solution.samples[:,0] # extract chain of m values
cchain_pymnest = solution.samples[:,1] # extract chain if c values

postsamples = np.vstack((mchain_pymnest, cchain_pymnest)).T

print('Number of posterior samples is {}'.format(postsamples.shape[0]))

# plot posterior samples (if is installed)
    import corner # import
except ImportError:

fig = corner.corner(postsamples, labels=[r"$m$", r"$c$"], truths=[m, c])

Running the code

A description of installing PyMultiNest is given here. If you have downloaded the and scripts into the directory ${HOME}, then you can run it using:


If you have Matplotlib installed then the script will produce a plot of the posterior distributions on the straight line parameters $m$ and $c$.

A Python 3 Docker image with PyMultiNest installed is available, which can be used with:

docker run -it -v ${HOME}:/work mattpitkin/samplers:python3

to enter an interactive container, and then within the container the test script can be run with:

